Partner WOD Offense/ Defense- 4 rounds each for time and max reps Defense: 500m Row Offense: AMRAP while partner rows 10 V-ups 10 Single Arm Devils Press (50/35) *Clean off erg between each switch *Restart AMRAP each...
Partner WOD Offense/ Defense- 4 rounds each for time and max reps Defense: 500m Row Offense: AMRAP while partner rows 10 V-ups 10 Single Arm Devils Press (50/35) *Clean off erg between each switch *Restart AMRAP each...
A. DU challenge re-test: 5 min to find max UNBROKEN DOUBLE UNDERS B. Every 2.5 min for 5 sets 3 Front Squat (from floor) C. 3 rounds for time- (10 min cap) 40...
Part A Every 90 sec - 9 sets 3x3 High Hang Power Snatch 3x3 Mid Hang Power Snatch (above knee/mid thigh) 3x3 Low Hang Power Snatch (at knee) Part B Every 90 sec- 9 sets 3x2 High...
With a 30 min running clock: 15 min to complete 15-12-9-6-3 20ft Shuttle Runs HSPU Then, 15 min to establish a 5 rep max Shoulder to Overhead REQUIRED by the City of San Francisco: Short COVID-19 Questionnaire before...
HERO WOD: “Hooch” 5 rounds for time: 11 DL 275/205 14 Single Arm Thrusters (50/35) 1 50’ heavy sled push at the top of every 2 min* *Outdoor sub: 8 banded bear crawls This WOD is...
Life doesn't happen alone. And oftentimes it is a struggle. 2020 continually challenges one of our healthiest daily practices - being grateful. Thank you to all of our athletes who...
THANKSGIVING PARTNER WOD: "GRATEFUL" 26 min Partner AMRAP 100 DU/ 200 SU 10 Synchro Burpees 100 KBS (53/35) 10 Synchro Burpees 100 OH Plate Sit-up (25/15) 10 Synchro Burpees 100 Goblet Squats (53/35) 10 Synchro Burpees *Share work as desired, one...
WOD: For Time: 15 Back Squats 800m run 15 Back Squats 800m run 10 Front Squats 800 m run 10 Front Squats Lv1: 95/65 Lv2: 135/85 Lv3: 165/105 REQUIRED by the City of San Francisco: Short COVID-19 Questionnaire before EVERY class. CLICK...
WOD: 12 min to warm up to 85-90% then complete, 1 Deadlift every 2 min for 5 sets Finisher: Accumulate a 3 min plank for time REQUIRED by the City of San Francisco: Short COVID-19...
WOD: Alternating EMOM 30 -5 Renegade Row* -20-30 MB Russian Twist -15-20 Decline DB Floor Press (in glute bridge) -5 Windmills per side -10 MB Tuck-ups -Rest *Rx- 2 push-ups per rep, Scaled- 1 push-up per rep REQUIRED by...