13 Mar WOD- Wednesday, March 14
Strength: Push Press 5x5 Every 2 min Start at 70% Strength: 3 min on/1 min off- 4 cycles 6 Push Press 6 Front Rack Lunges 6 C2B pull-ups Lv1: 65/45 Lv2: 75/55 Lv3: 95/65 *continue rounds where you left off Log...
Strength: Push Press 5x5 Every 2 min Start at 70% Strength: 3 min on/1 min off- 4 cycles 6 Push Press 6 Front Rack Lunges 6 C2B pull-ups Lv1: 65/45 Lv2: 75/55 Lv3: 95/65 *continue rounds where you left off Log...
Benchmark: Row 2 km for time Strength: Every 2.5 min: Back Squat 5x5 Start at 70% and increase as desired Finisher: 2 min L-sit for time (rings) 6pm Lite N Tite Strength: Bulgarian Split Squats w/ DB/kbs 4x8 each leg WOD: 5...
If you did 18.2/18.2A don't forget to post your score! You have until MONDAY @ 5pm Submit score HERE. WOD: For time 200m Run then, 8rds of: 3 DL 2 FS 1 Jerk @ 135/95 Run...
If you did 18.2/18.2A don't forget to post your score! You have until MONDAY @ 5pm Submit score HERE. Strength: Every 2.3 min Hang Power Clean 4 x 5 reps WOD: 4 Rds,...
The CrossFit Games Open 2018 has commenced!! Open to all levels! You do not have to decide on going Rx or Scaled until each WOD is announced. We will be...
We are hosting CF Open 18.3 Saturday from 9:30-11:30! Please come during those times if you are signed up so you can be judged. Also, judging volunteers please come...
We are hosting CF Open 18.3 today at the 6pm and 7pm classes, and Saturday from 9:30-11:30! Please come during those times if you are signed up so you...
Strength: EMOM 5 3 Power Snatch EMOM 5 2 Hang Snatch EMOM 5 1 Snatch Partner WOD: 20 rounds for time (10 rds each- relay) 3 (Squat) Snatch 6 T2B 9 Box Jumps 24/20" Lv1: 75/50 Lv2: 105/70 Lv3: 135/95 30 min CAP *One partner does an...
Strength: -Halting Clean pull (at knee) 4x3reps -Clean Pull 4x3reps @90-110% clean WOD: 4rds for time 200m MB run (20/14) 10 DB Power Cleans DB Bear crawl (length of rig) 10 DB power cleans DB bear crawl back (rig length) *20 min...
If you did 18.2/18.2A don't forget to post your score! You have until MONDAY @ 5pm Submit score HERE. March Challenge: Find max rep of unbroken: Lv3: Bar MU Lv2: Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups Lv1:...