11 May WOD- Tuesday May 12
New Class "Lite N'Tite" starts this week! Mon, Wed, Fri at 6:30am. All the CrossFit without the barbells. STRENGTH: 10min EMOM 1 Power Snatch + 1 Snatch *add 5-10# each...
New Class "Lite N'Tite" starts this week! Mon, Wed, Fri at 6:30am. All the CrossFit without the barbells. STRENGTH: 10min EMOM 1 Power Snatch + 1 Snatch *add 5-10# each...
New Class "Lite N'Tite" starts today! Mon, Wed, Fri at 6:30am. All the CrossFit without the barbells. Strength: Wendler Wk 3, cycle 2 Back Squat % based on 90% of 1 RM 75%...
Happy Mother's Day! Regular class schedule today (9:30 am and 10: 30 am class)! Benchmark WOD: "Diane" 21-15-9 Deadlifts 225/185 HSPU [standout-css3-button href="http://beyondthewhiteboard.com/gyms/866-crossfit-potrero-hill/2014/May10"]WOD LOGGING[/standout-css3-button] Don't have a BTWB WOD Logging Account? Click Here and join...
Athlete Check-in at 9 am. Go time 10 am-12pm. Prizes and awards around 12:30. No 9:30am, 10:30am, Open Gym, Or Barbell Club today! Get your Costumes ready and lets have...
Get your Costumes ready and lets have some fun! No group classes Saturday Warm-up Row 500 m w/o straps at a 20s/m rate Dynamic stretches WOD 1: Row max calories in 50 pulls 2...
Get your Costumes ready and lets have some fun! No group classes Saturday Warmup: Run 800 Dynamic stretches Then, 3rds 45 sec stations Singles/DU Ring Rows Shoot thrus Strength: Wendler Wk2, cycle 2 Bench % based on 90% of 1...
Register by Wednesday, May 5th Click here for the Facebook event page to register. STRENGTH: 10 min EMOM 1 Clean & Jerk *add 5-10# each min. Work up to a heavy 1 rep WOD: 100...
Register by Wednesday, May 5th Click here for the Facebook event page to register. Warm-up: 2 rds 200m run/row 20 walking Lunges 10 boostrappers then, 2 rds 200m run/row 10 Back squats w/bar 10 Good mornings w/bar 10 Spider lunge...
Register by Wednesday, May 5th Click here for the Facebook event page to register. Strength: Split Jerk 3-3-2-2-1-1 (work up to a heavy one rep) WOD: 5 rds for time 10 HSPU 15 DL...
Register by Wednesday, May 5th Click here for the Facebook event page to register. Strength: OHS 5x2 (work up to a heavy 2 rep) WODA: 3 min Max Reps Pull-ups, Burpee Penalty for...